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Monday, June 1, 2009

The King Dethroned!

 It has been forty nights of watching commercials of Lebron James and Kobe Bryant. It has been forty nights of me hoping that one of them fall off just so that ESPN and every other network that used those commercials feel stupid! In case you haven't heard, Lebron got "Das Boot" a few days ago, when his team got demolished by the Magic. Now, personally, I'm glad that Lebron didn't make it to the championship! 

Lebron already got the honor of being named MVP. If he would have won the championship, then he would have had one more thing then Dwyane Wade! Wade already won the championship, while being MVP of it. He has something much more important then The King himself. Now, there is also another reason that makes me happy to see Mr. James out. 

With the Cavs missing the playoffs, Lebron has to be tired of them. This just gives him another reason to leave. Like most sports fans know, the Heat have the most salary space when it comes to the year of 2010, which is the biggest year  in free agency ever. The biggest players of the game go into the market of bidding wars. It is possible that Lebron can end up with one of his best buddies in Miami. Now how nice would that be, Flash and the King together. It will be a comic where there are 2 super-heroes. Not one and a sidekick, like Batman and Robin. Flash and the King will be like, Batman and Spiderman working together in the same movie. Now, you tell me who wins that battle? The Heat will be the best team ever winning multiple championships! No Krpytonight will stop them! But, this is only one possible scenario that I hope to see come true.

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